We like to help people find the help they need. You can find important family resources on this page to assist you in educating yourself about home care, eldercare and other related issues.
Maintaining Physical Health Explore these evidence-based physical activity programs, which have been proven to produce measurable health benefits for older adults.
Preventing Memory Loss No matter what your age, it’s not too late to take steps to prevent memory loss. A good place to start is with the strategies for improving your memory described in this report.
Maintaining Mental Health 10 practical ways to look after your mental health.
Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s and dementia: what you need to know. Learn about Alzheimer’s disease and what you can do to make caregiving easier.
Protecting Yourself from Financial Scams Don’t ever give your credit card, social security or bank account information to anyone over the phone.
Affordable Housing The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency is a non-profit organization which serves the people of Pennsylvania by offering affordable housing resources, including loans and rent assistance.
Home Modifications Many people find that the home they purchased earlier in their life may not suit their needs as they grow older.
Help Managing Money More than one third of senior households have no money left over or are in debt after meeting essential expenses each month.