Living Care Home Services is dual licensed as an Agency and Registry which is very unique in this industry. This allows them to choose the BEST way to operate vs. being a single licensed facility which most in fact are. Our family of caregivers receive the highest level of training and support available. From the initial phone interview, the face to face interview with the Care Manager or the President, with on-going supervision right through to the exit interview, we strive to learn who our caregivers are as people. We believe that by treating and supporting our caregivers as family, they in turn treat the families they help as family.
All caregivers receive initial training and orientation and undergo an annual re-evaluation and must demonstrate competency as a caregiver as defined by the PA Department of Health guidelines. We ensure that your caregiver meets all requirements of our license including criminal history and background checks, professional reference checks, residency compliance, health and TB tests and have a valid Driver’s License and proper and current car insurance. All this needs to be in place prior to any caregiver providing services in your home. This is our responsibility, it shouldn’t have to be yours.
We have caregivers of every skill level to accommodate your needs from simple companionship to 24 hour Live-in care. It is our belief that spending the time to ensure the correct caregiver match, before services begin, is essential in the successful outcome of services rendered. Loved ones are often reluctant to accept help so getting the right caregiver in place from the beginning is important.
Should you ever be uncomfortable with the caregiver who works with you, you may ask to have a new caregiver at any time. We are here to meet your needs and concerns, and we will listen and respond when you voice those concerns. We can’t promise 100% that everything will always be perfect, but we can give you 110% of our effort to make it as perfect as we can.
We meet with each family and their family in person. This gives you the chance to get to know us. Who we are, our philosophy and how we plan on meeting and surpassing your expectations for care of a loved one. At the same time, we get to fully understand what level of care you need and even more importantly, who you need. We choose your caregiver based on skill level and personality match. It is most important that you feel comfortable and at ease with your caregiver and that they feel the same about you. The bond you form will add comfort, safety and joy to the both of you in the relationship which will evolve.
We look at fulfilling each client and family’s needs, we understand that that need may change over time and that we must make changes in how we provide care to meet those needs. You remain in control of the time and services you require. We will consistently respect your decisions regarding your care including developing and revising services tailored to meet your specific needs. As your level of care changes, we work with you to create a plan of care which best meets your needs. You are not required to sign up for any specific amount of time or make any payment in advance of receiving services.
We work with you to ensure the most appropriate caregiver is assigned to your case and that the schedule meets your needs. We fit into your schedule; you don’t need to fit into ours. We believe that services should be flexible, to change as your needs change. You are never locked onto a set number of hours or days and we strive to adjust our schedule to meet your needs. As your needs change, we will work with you to find the right level of care with the least amount of disruption to services you receive. Services can include simple companionship to meal preparation, menu planning, transportation, personal care assistance such as dressing, bathing, transferring, and medication reminders and continue through 24 hour live-in care. Live-in care includes all services offered including caring for a bed-bound family member or a loved one who is receiving Hospice Care.

Our family of caregivers receives the highest level of training and support available.